Thursday, September 11, 2014

Zanchi's- My Thoughts and Feelings

            The Dayan Zanchi, one of the most famous cubes ever to surface as part of the speedcubing world, no matter where you go, every cuber has heard of this cube. It’s a given. But why is this cube so popular? I want to explain why, along with my feelings on this puzzle.
            First, let’s start with the negatives about this puzzle. I hate it. I frankly despise this puzzle. Its turning is very clicky, and kind of weird in general. The corner utting is alright, but my major gripe with this puzzle is the lock ups, and the fact that fluent solves are very hard to come by. No matter how I have tensioned and lubed it, I just can’t find myself being able to keep consistent and fast.

            However, there is more to a cube than its turning and lock ups. The legacy of this puzzle is astounding, and for this reason, I can’t help but give this puzzle the grace it deserves. This puzzle made speedcubing. Let me explain. Dayan was one of the first major cube companies, and came out with their various cubes. And I have to say, the Guhong was a good puzzle. But when the Zanchi came out, it opened the door to the modern line of speedcubes, with things like the torpedo, which it almost perfected right at the started. It created the idea that we could be that fast, because finally there was a cube that could perform like we needed. Also the design of the puzzle was the basic lay out (with modification) for a host of future speedcubes and many knock offs as well. Being the basis of the newest speedcubes made it popular and a commonly heard name. Also, the Zanchi was my first speedcube, because there was so much hype about it when I started. So even though I personally don’t enjoy it, I have to give the Zanchi credit for how much it has done in our little community in growing and expanding our art.

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