Monday, September 22, 2014

Moyu Aolong V2 Review

Today I have another review for you guys, this time, on the highly coveted Moyu Aolong V2. This cube is the new glossy plastic version, and I won’t be coming out with a review on the other plastic V2, because I think it’s a waste of time and money. If you think otherwise, please comment below. The cube has some small changes to make the cube more stable with less corner twists. My opinions are varied, but you can read that below.
            To start, this cube arrived out of the box fast. I mean almost uncontrollably so. It was pretty crazy, but you could tell it was easily fixed, since the tensions were about as loose as you could go. I noticed one big thing that made me question even continuing a solve on the cube. Its corner pieces had very sharp corners on the moving sides (the ones not used for corner cutting, but on the same line.) These made the cube feel smaller than its 57mm size and miserable to solve. I have plans right now to sand those down to try and fix the issue.
             As for stability and corner twists, the two main problems of the V1? I can definitely that there is improvement. The stability, on the extremely loose tensions, was about the same on a V1 Aolong with medium tight ones. This is a huge improvement and bodes very well for it becoming my main, if I can fix those edges. As for corner twists, I mentioned in a previous blog how I don’t get twists, nearly ever, and so I can’t attest to these, but I can say that the stability bodes well for better corner twists and control.
            Overall, I give this cube 7 out of 10.  It is a good cube, with its new found stability a great bonus, and I think many will like it. The speed allows for medium to fast cubers to be able to handle it well. I hope to be able to enjoy it as well; I just have to fix the issues the sharp corner bits produce. But I definitely say buy this cube, especially if the V1 was good, but you want something with small differences.

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