Monday, April 13, 2015

QiYi/New Island Hateview

                Yes, I use the word hate. And no, I don’t use it lightly. I have two issues about these companies and the product they both are producing. One is a known issue, one is a personal preference. So let’s begin.
                The New Island Phoenix came out a while before the QiYi Bullfight. Yet, they are exactly the same cube. According to JRcuber, the Phoenix, which came first, is re branded off the QiYi. The New Island Company has confirmed it has re branded the Bullfight, put a higher price tag on it, and sold it as their own. And my only question is, why? Why would you even think that’s a remotely good idea? It might be bad in patent terms, but geez above that it’s just dumb business. New Island confirms they rebranded the puzzle for themselves, and then they sell it at a higher price! How does that make money? Where in the world is that a good idea? I’m honestly not sure why New Island did this, when they could change the design slightly and make it their own, but I won’t say much more about it. I just think it’s stupid.

                As for my personal opinion, I found the Bullfight to be a mix between the Fangshi, which is kind of obvious, and the Zanchi, which is something I hadn’t heard before, if I had heard it was similar to the Zanchi, I would have never bought it, as I have a strong hatred for the way the Zanchi feels. And cube is the mix of that awful thing, and the Fanshi. Now I have no huge gripe with the any Fangshi puzzle except the overall sandy feeling. I dislike that feeling very much. Now add to that the clicky, awkward turning Zanchi and you have one of my least favorite puzzles ever. Now I will admit two things. First, I feel potential. For everyone who liked sandy feel of clickyness, go buy this cube. It is as solid as an Aolong. The second thing I will admit, I have only had this one day. As to whether I will actually spend time to try and make it better, I’m not sure. It’s very hard to want to work with a cube like that. Maybe I am wrong about it entirely, I know I have been before, but for now, I think I will just leave it alone.

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