warning before I start, this might be extremely obvious to some of you and
other would say that this post is really unnecessary just because it’s so
blatantly obvious, but I think this idea is legitimate and one everyone needs
to consider. Plus I’m writing it so I guess I win.
record strategy. What am I saying when I say these words? Is there some perfect
algorithm that will solve your cube in 5 seconds every time? Most certainly
not. Is there some epic way to guarantee yourself a world record whenever you
compete? If there is, I haven’t found it. No the strategy I’m talking about
first takes years and years of practice. And by that, I mean the first step of
this strategy is being good enough to get a world record anyway. You have to be
Feliks or Matts good. The reason for this is because there is no special trick
to have the ability to get a world
record. Only once you have the ability is this applicable. Think about every
time someone asks you about your cube. Are they asking for specific algs or
something? No, they are asking for the “secret” for the cube. So yes, step
number one is practice until you are able to achieve the world record in your
event of choice, and of course the more often you can achieve it in your own
practice, the higher a chance you will have elsewhere.
Next is
the actual strategy. This is when you already have the ability to solve on a
world record scale, and now you just need to actually break it. And the special
secret is… Spamming competitions. Yup. That’s it. The basic idea is that once
you are able to solve cubes really fast all the time, you need the opportunity
to have a lucky enough solve that you can actually achieve a world record
solve. Unfortunately, these kinds of lucky solves are far and few between, so
you have to go to enough competitions that at least one of these are available.
This takes a while, which is why, in addition to having fun, the best cubers
are competing once a month, to have another chance at glory in a solve.
all that is left is solve itself, which is by far the hardest. You have to be
ready to act upon the solve, ready to take it and score big. Only then will you
actually be a world record holder, to live amongst the best in history.
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