Hi guys, If you spend any time on the YouTube cubing scene,
then you will probably heard of the channel called Cyoubx. If not, I definitely
recommend it. His channel is great quality and he is a very good speedcuber as
well. But on to today’s topic, which involves something he talks about on this
channel a lot. Cyoubx repeatedly discusses the idea of not changing your style for
a cube, instead, you should try to find a cube that works well with your style,
and that is perfect for how you turn. I think this is a great idea, but in
practice, is hard to actually use realistically.
start with the good of this idea. My turning style is very unique, it somehow
manages to cut up every sticker on my puzzle, no matter how high quality (I use
cubicle stickers.) In addition, I rarely get corner twists. And I mean almost
never. It just isn’t an issue with how I turn. This makes something like the
Aolong a great cube for me, because I don’t get hurt by the biggest issue of
the puzzle. And yes, I mean the V1, I have little issue with it. However, I can’t
deal with cubes that have lock-ups. I just can’t do them, I don’t know why, my
style just won’t let me. For this reason, cubes like the Zanchi just don’t work
for me. This is why this idea of finding the cube for you is better, because it
allows you to find the right mix, and keep a feel that is great for you. For me
this is something with few lock-ups, and usually good corner cutting helps too.
because of my unique style, very few cubes would have a good feel and
optimistic lock up prevention for my style. This is my major gripe with this
idea. Unless you are a YouTube cuber, or have another way of testing every
puzzle that comes out, you are going to have a very hard time. I know I don’t have
an endless supply of money to spend on cubes, and trying to estimate which
cubes are going to fit your style is very hard to determine just from simple
reviews and unboxings. This means trying to find the perfect cube becomes about
10 times harder. For this reason, I offer this simple compromise. If you have
plenty of cash or a testing contract with a cube store, go crazy and find the
best cube for your style. Otherwise, you may have to buy the best ones or the
ones that seem the closest to your style, and just work on it from there,
slightly changing your style, or modding the cube until it fits your